I am looking for a simple-minded audio example to demonstrate the abilities of an automatic bird species classifier. What I have in mind is an audio scene which is organized like this:
- Bird A for 10-15 seconds
- background noise for 0-10 seconds
- Bird B for 10-15 seconds
The background noise may contain human-made sounds, audible weather, insects, etc. but no bird sounds. If the classifier works well, it should predict A (and only A), then nothing, then B (and only B). I don't mind what species A and B are as long as they are bird vocalizations.
Note that i want the example to be "natural"; i.e., acquired with passive acoustic monitoring, without capture nor machine playback. I am not looking for an artificial example made with an audio editor.
After searching through data repositories Xeno-Canto and Macaulay Library, a scene like that is surprisingly difficult to find. Most recordings have either one species in them, or multiple overlapping species.
Do you have an example of this to share? Or even better, can you point me to an automatic procedure that would allow me to search this on the Internet?
This question is related to Data sources for species co-occurrences in soundscapes? except that I am searching for sequential polyphony, as opposed to co-occuring sources.
Many thanks!