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Questions tagged [sound-propagation]

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Need help finding a graduate level online course in sound propagation

I am currently based in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada) attending the University of Manitoba. Since my masters thesis is in the realm of marine mammal acoustics, I would like to take a course focused on ...
Cara Rankin's user avatar
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3 answers

If we turn on a TV, is the sound pressure level of the room increased definitely?

I am a computer engineer and I am not an expert in physics. I read about Sound Pressure Level from different references but I can't solve my problem. My question is: if we turn on the TV, is the sound ...
Saha's user avatar
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Detecting and measuring particle motion and sound movement through water and sand

Does anyone know of good equipment to measure particle motion in the water, and transferred sound vibrations/pressure through sand underwater (from playbacks)? I have read that some people recommend ...
VacciniumC's user avatar
4 votes
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What are linear decibels (dBL) and how do they compare to standard dB SPL?

I'm reading through an EIS that has a blast monitoring section where blasts are characterized by Peak Pressure Level (PPL) measured in linear decibels (dBL). I cannot find a good definition of this ...
Megan Perra's user avatar
10 votes
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extent of sound transmission from air to water

How would one go about calculating the amount of sound transmitted from air to water? From experience recording bats over water surfaces I suspect a lot of sound is reflected back up into the air. ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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Why are high frequency sounds absorbed more than low frequency sound?

Atmospheric absorption seems to play a big role in bat echolocation as it apparently strongly limits perception range. I know absorption changes with frequency, but I don't understand why, and all the ...
lframond's user avatar
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Simulating indoor/terrestrial sound propagation to test analysis workflows

I'm currently trying to analyse multi-channel audio recorded in a cave (reverberant conditions). I'd like to check how well my bat calls are being localized, and the extent to which reverberance ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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13 votes
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Why does sound from ships propagate better in deep water than in shallow water?

I saw the following graph in a blog post about how shipping noise affects whales. Why does the sound seem to propagate better in deep water than in shallow water? Are there any known marine species ...
416E64726577's user avatar