I am dealing with an unusual error in trying to create long-term spectral averages with the lts() function from R package seewave. I have a 1 h long time series made up of audio files of 5 minutes each recorded by AudioMoth.These files all share identical WaveObject parameters: number of samples (14400000), duration (300 seconds), sampling rate (48000 Hz), channels (Mono), PCM (integer format), and bit (16).
Before running the function, I had previously defined the file directory according to the example given in https://rdrr.io/cran/seewave/man/lts.html.

I then run the function using this code:
lts(dir, wl = 1024, ovlp = 50, col = spectro.colors(30), fftw = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ntann = NULL, tlab = "Time(min)", flab = "Frequency (kHz)" , recorder="audiomoth")
The function appeared to process and list all the files correctly; however, an error message appears at the end:
[1] "File # 1 20191003_050000.wav processed"
[1] "File # 2 20191003_050505.wav processed"
[1] "File # 3 20191003_051010.wav processed"
[1] "File # 4 20191003_051515.wav processed"
[1] "File # 5 20191003_052020.wav processed"
[1] "File # 6 20191003_052525.wav processed"
[1] "File # 7 20191003_053030.wav processed"
[1] "File # 8 20191003_053535.wav processed"
[1] "File # 9 20191003_054040.wav processed"
[1] "File # 10 20191003_054545.wav processed"
[1] "File # 11 20191003_055050.wav processed"
[1] "File # 12 20191003_055555.wav processed"

Error in image.default(x = time, xaxt = "n", xlab = "", y = freq, ylab = flab,  : 
  'x' and 'y' values must be finite and non-missing
Although I scrutinised all of the parameters used, I was unable to determine the source of the problem. My system includes R version 4.3.1, RStudio Version 2023.06.1+524, seewave version 2.2.1, and macOS Ventura 13.5.1.
I am aware that I could use Triton (MATLAB) or PAMGuide (MATLAB and R) to create the LTS, but I would like to give a try to seewave, because all other analysis I do using this package. Thanks a lot in anticipation.