Questions tagged [acoustic-indices]

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3 votes
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How to set frequency limits when using acoustic_complexity_index() from scikit-maad?

I have previously used R and the functions ACI() from seewave and acoustic_complexity() from soundecology to calculate the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI). However, I am transitioning to using Python ...
GANH's user avatar
  • 31
5 votes
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how to describe temporal patterns of anthropogenic noise pollution - ama(), Ht(), and ...?

I'm looking into the effects of anthropogenic noise pollution from various sources on birds' behaviors. Human-induced sounds have different temporal patterns - broadly, from continuous to sparse in ...
Yael Lehnardt's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a minimum duration that maad indices will work on?

I'm calculating soundscape indices using scikit-maad's all_temporal_alpha_indices and all_spectral_alpha_indices. I will be ...
Jeff G's user avatar
  • 173
8 votes
3 answers

What is the threshold to distinguish a birdsong dialect?

I was wondering how researchers are able to establish that a geographic song variation in terrestrial birds is actually a song dialect. What is the threshold of acoustic indices which could identify ...
ana-alcantara's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Which Acoustic Indices are useful for low-frequency recordings?

We are currently analysing soil recordings using Acoustic Indices, and applying Acoustic Complexity Index to the 0-2 kHz range (there is no useful signal above this upper limit). The Acoustic ...
Carlos Abrahams's user avatar