The zero-fill function is experimental and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Sampling gaps occur due to memory card latency iei.e. sometimes the memory cannot keep up with the data stream - we buffer data in RAM, but eventually we may run out of RAM at which point samples will be dropped, thereby producing a sampling gap. The zero-fill function looks for gaps in sampling and attempts to fill them with zeros in order to preserve timing. The 'CumulativeSamplingGap' parameter is supposed to be the sum of all sampling gaps. However it is a poor measure as it is subject to cumulative errors which add up over the course of the recording. Better news is that this shouldn’t impact the accuracy of the zero fill mechanism. You should find that concatenated recordings have time accuracy within quartz spec - presumably you can confirm this against your audible sync signal.
As I said as the start - we cantcan't guarantee the zero-fill function will perform as expected, so advise using it with caution. Better news is that we hope to do more work on the zero fill function in the near future. Meanwhile we recommend our ST640 mutichannel recodersmultichannel recorders for coherent array applications.
I hope this helps