
I'm trying to apply a butterworth frequency filter to a multichannel audio file recorded by a hydrophone array using the function "bwfilter" from the package "seewave".

Is there a way that "bwfilter" will work for multichannel files? If not, is there another way to filter my audio files? Thank you!

  • $\begingroup$ Can you share what you've already tried? From the seewave documentation, it seems that bwfilter allows for the specification of channel. Might be informative if you try passing a list of channels (e.g. channels = list(1,2) or similar) and share the results. Even if bwfilter can't handle multiple channels in a single call, this suggests at the very least that one could call bwfilter for each channel individually. $\endgroup$
    – Brian Miller
    Commented Oct 11 at 1:25

1 Answer 1


Here's a potential solution that loops over all channels of a multi-channel wav file. It's not that pretty or concise, but it works.

First, let's grab a multi-channel wave file as a test dataset

### Dataset Start ###

# Grab some open-access multi-channel wav data from a relatively short 3-channel 
# recording from a dodgy sonobuoy. 
# File is approximately 3MB. 
wavURL <- 'https://data.aad.gov.au/eds/api/dataset/41072dc7-996b-436e-b31a-776f28de07bf/object/download?prefix=AAS_4600_ENRICH_Sonobuoy_Data/audio/20190221/INV_20190221_013959_828.wav'

# Specify the file name to save the file on your computer

# Call the download.file() function, passing in the URL and file name/location as arguments
download.file(wavURL, wavFile, mode = "w")

### Dataset End ##

Now we load the data and filter it in a for-loop. We plot the unfiltered data in the columns on the left, and the filtered data in the columns on the right. I've used seewave::oscillo to view the results here and confirm that the data look filtered, but one could remove the calls to 'oscillo' if you don't care to plot the results.

# Read the first 10 ms of the data from all three channels
wav <- tuneR::readWave(wavFile,header = F,units = "seconds",from = 0,to=0.01)

# Placeholder for filtered data -- same size as original data
wavFiltData <- [email protected]; 

for (i in 1:nchannel(wav)) {
  wavFiltData[,i] <- seewave::bwfilter(wav,from=7400, to=7600,channel=i)
  # Edit: replaced wavFilt in line below with wavFiltData
  # to fix the error found by WMXZ
  seewave::oscillo(wavFiltData, [email protected], channel=i)

# Convert data back into a WaveMC format
wavFilt <- WaveMC(wavFiltData, [email protected], bit=wav@bit)

Plot showing original wav file on left, and filtered on right

  • $\begingroup$ Q: I'm not good in R, but the second oscillo accesses wavFilt, which is only assigned to after the loop. Is that correct? $\endgroup$
    – WMXZ
    Commented Oct 18 at 6:00
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, thank you this was indeed an error -- good catch. I have replaced wavFilt with wavFiltData, which I believe should now be correct. $\endgroup$
    – Brian Miller
    Commented Oct 21 at 0:31

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