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7 votes

Minimum hydrophone spacing for low frequency bearing estimation

Great question, but it partly depends on what you mean by 'good'. 20 - 200Hz calls have wavelengths between 75 and 7.5m. With appropriate algorithms, it is possible to measure time delays to ...
Doug Gillespie's user avatar
4 votes

Minimum hydrophone spacing for low frequency bearing estimation

As you talk about direction and not localization, I assume that you mean a vertical triangular array. Well, it depends. It depends on the signal to noise ratio (SNR) and on the type of call. pulse-...
WMXZ's user avatar
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4 votes

Bearings on PAMGuard

For a problem like this, you may be better off contacting PAMGuard support: [email protected], ideally uploading a small sample of data and we'll take a look.
Doug Gillespie's user avatar
2 votes

How to synchronize two independent soundtraps working as part of the same hydrophone array?

Malinka et al (2020) published a relevant paper describing a synchonization cable to clock-sync seven ST300's on a vertical string, so it's certainly possible, though custom firmware (support from ...
Brian Miller's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the bearing's reference point in PAMguard

It is not a silly question, but gives me the possibility to discuss the process of direction finding with 2 hydrophones. The direction to the source is estimated using the time delay between the sound ...
WMXZ's user avatar
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1 vote

How to parametrize PAMGuard to avoid great bearing inaccuracies all along a recording

Perhaps you could share a screen grab of one of the waveforms of a click that get's a poor bearing. That will show if there is multipath, or some other 'good' reason as to why the cross correlation of ...
Doug Gillespie's user avatar

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