How to start exploring possibilities of using smartphones as recording devices?
Start with almost any good-quality sound recording app -- it does not need to be bioacoustics related, any good "sound recorder". There are many apps, and the best choice keeps changing, so ...
How to start exploring possibilities of using smartphones as recording devices?
I just download Birdnet on an Android phone and it gives you
running spectrogram of the sound
the possibility to get birds be classified (over net?)
store data
Could not figure out, how to store ...
How to start exploring possibilities of using smartphones as recording devices?
I can share this outreach poster, which offers several apps for Android and iOS that we found worked pretty well for simple recording, viewing spectrograms, and saving sound snippets.
Caveat: This is ...
How to start exploring possibilities of using smartphones as recording devices?
This isn't really an answer to the main question, but as people mentioned in other answers the BirdNET app does appear to have aspirations of collecting acoustic "point counts" by having ...
How to start exploring possibilities of using smartphones as recording devices?
I worked on a project for several years where we used smartphones as autonomous recording devices. This work doesn't address the citizen science component of your project, but there may be some useful ...
How to start exploring possibilities of using smartphones as recording devices?
Wildlife Acoustics has the Echo Meter Touch, which allows you to record and visualize bat clicks in real-time on your phone or tablet. I've seen it in action and it's pretty cool, if limited in its ...
How to start exploring possibilities of using smartphones as recording devices?
Your question could be improved by being more specific about the goals of your "amateur citizen-science" project. For beginner bioacousticians, I strongly recommend focusing first on signal ...
How to start exploring possibilities of using smartphones as recording devices?
Definitely not an existing app solution, but maybe halfway there. I played around with the Python-Android interface package 'Kivy' and can only recommend it.
Kivy allows you to write a custom app ...
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