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SoundTrap 500 Data recovery

While it is plugged into the wall charger, also be sure to press 'STOP' several times to ensure the device is powered down. We have also had strange inconsistent responses of units to different ...
Shannon's user avatar
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SoundTrap 500 Data recovery

The Sound Trap Host software includes a 'slow scan' option on the 'Retrieve' tab. Note - I'm currently using version Occasionally Soundtrap files will not show up until after I use the ...
ASimonis's user avatar
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SoundTrap 500 Data recovery

I was able to recover data from an ST300 after letting it charge directly connected to the wall charger for several days. At that point, it had charged enough to be recognized by the Soundtrap host. ...
Melissa 's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a shared open access Bioacoustics platform?

Another option, albeit not specific to bioacoustics, is SoundCloud. I've seen more and more researchers, including the group I work with at NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center and also the Gray's ...
ASimonis's user avatar
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Is there a shared open access Bioacoustics platform?

Macaulay library would probably be your best best. Though you have to submit a request to actually download the file. You can view the spectrogram/listen to the call through the platform though. I've ...
Carly Batist's user avatar
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3 votes

NPL's Good Pratice Guide discourages the use of any compression in recorded data to avoid information degradation - does this make sense?

Agree, the sentence makes no sense and is most likely an oversight by authors and reviewers: "lossless compression" is "lossless" AND "compression", so you cannot ask for ...
WMXZ's user avatar
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Is there a shared open access Bioacoustics platform?

If you're interested in marine sounds, the SANCTSOUND portal is what you want to explore. You can't upload sounds there, but there are some nice sounds of animals as well as anthropogenic sounds that ...
Cristina Marcolin's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a shared open access Bioacoustics platform?

You can also find some recordings on the French national museum sound library. However, the downloads are in mp3 you might want to contact them for original wave files.
Amandine Gasc's user avatar
2 votes

How to concatenate files from SoundTrap ST600?

The zero-fill function is experimental and not guaranteed to be accurate. Sampling gaps occur due to memory card latency i.e. sometimes the memory cannot keep up with the data stream - we buffer data ...
John Atkins's user avatar
1 vote

Searching natural examples of [Bird A -- background -- Bird B]

You can robustly test an automated classifier using one or several of the publicly available annotated datasets of soundscape data. Testing your classifier on a full dataset of natural sounds will ...
Sam Lapp's user avatar
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Is there a shared open access Bioacoustics platform?

I know of bioacoustics libraries (Macaulay -; TierstimmenArchiv -; British Library -
Wolfen77's user avatar

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