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7 votes

'Foundational Literature' in Terrestrial Bioacoustics

I'll list some work here as I think of it. I'll make this an editable "community wiki" answer, and perhaps others can add to it, rather than having everything in separate answers: Acoustic ...
5 votes

What are the mentorship awards available in acoustics / bioacoustics / ocean acoustics?

The idea of a mentorship award is fantastic, and research suggests that recognition is more important than monetary value of an award (see here). Could this be a 'if you build it, they will come' ...
Shannon's user avatar
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3 votes

'Foundational Literature' in Terrestrial Bioacoustics

It's a practical R guide of course, but lots more besides: Jerome Sueur (2018) 'Sound Analysis and Synthesis with R' Springer And covering a lot of Ecoacoustics ground: Farina & Gage (eds) (...
Carlos Abrahams's user avatar
3 votes

What are the mentorship awards available in acoustics / bioacoustics / ocean acoustics?

Hmm, good question. I have heard about the Nature Award for Mentoring in Science. This seems really appropriate, but they highlight a given country each year and only take on nominations from that ...
Chloe's user avatar
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1 vote

Bioacoustic studies

The IMBRSea MSc pogram in Marine Biological Resources! It's not a whole program in acoustics, but you can take the Applied Megafauna Conservation module (semester 3) at ATU in Galway (Ireland) and ...
roc's user avatar
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