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7 votes

What state and federal permits are required for stationary PAM?

Minimally, you will need to identify if the location of your instruments will fall within a National Marine Sanctuary or a Marine Protected Area. Both will require permits if you are within their ...
Shannon's user avatar
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3 votes

Permits for projecting sounds underwater?

I am not surprised that someone insists you need a permit, but in the face of all the much louder and totally unregulated echosounders on essentially all boats, it is a strange requirement I posit.
Marinebioacoustics Aarhus Univ's user avatar
2 votes

Permits for projecting sounds underwater?

Yes, a funny and serious topic. For an experiment in a Swiss lake where we played test sounds including orca sounds, we had to get permissions and do lengthy risk assessments, including the question ...
Jörg Rychen's user avatar

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