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27 votes

If I don't know the source level of an animal's vocalization, is there still a meaningful way to measure how loud the signal is?

If your hydrophone system is calibrated, then it sounds like you do have the information you need to estimate a source level using a simple sonar equation: RL = SL-TL (Received level = Source Level - ...
Doug Gillespie's user avatar
6 votes

What acoustic parameters can I reference if I suspect speciation?

In general, one can not suggest speciation without genetic confirmation. As interesting as your findings are there are many things that may be contributing to the difference that you are measuring. ...
etgriffiths's user avatar
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4 votes

What acoustic parameters can I reference if I suspect speciation?

I vaguely recall something like a corelation between body size and call frequency in frogs, and a correlation between altitude and body size in most animals. Differences in call parameters could also ...
lframond's user avatar
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2 votes

What acoustic parameters can I reference if I suspect speciation?

Another question to ask is whether temperature affects call frequency for these frogs, like it does in some fish species (e.g. toadfish). Could the altitude difference affect temperature and hence ...
Melissa 's user avatar
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