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5 votes

Powered speaker recommendations for listening to cetacean vocalizations

I prefer headphones to speakers for identifying animals sounds since I can often hear things in headphones that are not audible when played through speakers. See What's more accurate: Speakers or ...
Michael Pitzrick's user avatar
4 votes

Powered speaker recommendations for listening to cetacean vocalizations

Most bookshelf speakers, even budget ones will reproduce the range of 150 Hz to the limits of normal hearing 20 kHz, you would usually expect them to be able to handle much lower frequencies 45 Hz ...
Jiminy Cricket.'s user avatar
3 votes

Kit suggestion for programmable, weatherproof, speaker

have you considered using a Minirig 3? These are super powerful yet compact (W = 101.6mm H = 73mm), high quality speakers with built in amplifier (40W), big on the festival scene. Battery life is ...
LouR's user avatar
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3 votes

Powered speaker recommendations for listening to cetacean vocalizations

As human hearing is limited to < 20 kHz, you won't be able to hear "animals whose vocal range is 100s of kHz (e.g., odontocetes)" on a speaker whatever its quality. However, you can ...
Noil's user avatar
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1 vote

What kind of cheap ultrasound speaker would you recommend for basic playback tests?

Not a recommendation, but a suggestion: have you considered using an ultrasonic animal deterrent? A variety of such products can be found on[.au], and some cost a few dozen $AUD, which ...
Brian Miller's user avatar
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