I'd like to run simulations of a bat's (and perhaps other mammals too later) peripheral auditory system. The input would be the 'input sounds' (synthetic signals, ambient noise, social vocalisations) and I'd like the output to be some proxy for neural activity across the frequency channels.
Essentially, I would like to understand the relation between (this is an exploratory project and admittedly vague...) various input sounds and neural activity. There are proposed models in the literature (Wiegrebe 2008, Vanderelst et al. 2016). The papers describe the models in sufficient detail. I could perhaps write my own implementation, but would like to avoid doing so if there are pre-existing tools for the scenario.
Is anyone aware of such general (non-human) peripheral auditory toolboxes? (Searches of 'animal hearing simulation', 'toolkit' and adding various langauages failed me).
- Wiegrebe, L. (2008). An autocorrelation model of bat sonar. Biological cybernetics, 98(6), 587-595. paper link
- Vanderelst, D., Steckel, J., Boen, A., Peremans, H., & Holderied, M. W. (2016). Place recognition using batlike sonar. Elife, 5, e14188. paper link