Larissa Sugai and I were recently discussing the concept of acoustic restoration in terms of using acoustic 'lures' or playbacks to accelerate re-colonization of a restored/reforested/etc. area. There are a few papers addressing this concept, such as:
Znidersic, E., & Watson, D. M. (2022). Acoustic restoration: Using soundscapes to benchmark and fast‐track recovery of ecological communities. Ecology Letters, 25(7), 1597-1603.
Williams, B. R., McAfee, D., & Connell, S. D. (2021). Repairing recruitment processes with sound technology to accelerate habitat restoration. Ecological Applications, 31(6), e02386.
I am wondering if anyone has direct experience engaging in this type of acoustic restoration? Specifically, what equipment was used, how were recordings selected, and any evaluation or success metrics if possible (i.e., did it work, which I recognize is a difficult question to answer neatly).
I also recognize that there are an increasing number of papers that use acoustic monitoring for before/after comparisons for natural disasters (wildfire, cyclone, etc.), like those below, but I am more looking for folks that have used planned experimentation with acoustic luring for restoration.
(Gasc et al. 2018. Soundscapes reveal disturbance impacts: biophonic response to wildfire in the Sonoran Desert Sky Islands. Duarte et al. 2021. Changes on soundscapes reveal impacts of wildfires in the fauna of a Brazilian savanna. Gottesman et al. 2021. What does resilience sound like? Coral reef and dry forest acoustic communities respond differently to Hurricane Maria.)