
I'm looking into the effects of anthropogenic noise pollution from various sources on birds' behaviors. Human-induced sounds have different temporal patterns - broadly, from continuous to sparse in time (e.g., every few seconds up to once every few weeks). Relevant sources for my study include music (varies a lot in short time windows (= 1 sec) but lasts for hours), wind-turbine (distinct temporal "swooshing" pattern, relatively constant gap between each "swoosh" to the next), and road traffic noise (varies in time when looking in 10-30 sec segments = according to passages but also varies along the day).

When describing animal sound patterns, I find measurements mainly focusing on amplitude, frequency, or their combinations. Inter-click, amplitude modulation, and Temporal entropy do exist and seemingly fit animal communication patterns of very short term (few seconds).

However, the duration of human-made sounds and their temporal "turnover" seem relatively long (as described above). I'd appreciate tips regarding the following:

  1. How to implement amplitude modulation and Temporal entropy (using R code or other) for 1 min long recordings with such noise sources. The examples in "Sound Analysis and Synthesis with R" by Prof. Jérôme Sueur are of very rapid animal vocalizations, and I fail to use these for describing passing cars. I tried to use a very long window length and high overlap value, as advised for the frog example (pg. 209), without success.

  2. Other measurements of temporal variation in long-term acoustic recordings (again, 1 min segmentation of recordings seems useful, I can later check variation in this measurement along 24Hr periods or other)



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