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18 votes

Is there any library that gathers marine species vocalizations?

There are some resources available, but often hampered by the sheer size of these acoustic datasets which makes it difficult to keep them online. has some examples. Also ...
17 votes

Is there any library that gathers marine species vocalizations?

For fish sounds, there is also a relatively new and growing site,, which hosts some downloadable recordings along with spectrograms, and citations for where they were described. ...
16 votes

Is there any library that gathers marine species vocalizations?

Nothing as comprehensive as xenocanto for the marine realm. At Fishbase, you can filter for sound files ("Information by Topic"), and there's a pretty ...
14 votes

Is there any library that gathers marine species vocalizations?

Dosits' library might also be of help. Here's the link to their audio gallery All the best of luck, sounds like a great project!
12 votes

Is there any library that gathers marine species vocalizations?

Cornell University's Macaulay Library has a very comprehensive and curated collection of avain and marine mammal sounds. They are also rated by quality if you want to test your neural network. However,...
10 votes

Why does sound from ships propagate better in deep water than in shallow water?

What you're seeing there is an effect of the ocean thermocline. The speed of sound changes rapidly in the upper few hundred meters of the ocean from a combination of temperature and pressure changes (...
Mark's user avatar
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9 votes

Why does sound from ships propagate better in deep water than in shallow water?

Additional to Mark's answer mentioning the sound speed profile and SOFAR channel, there are effects in shallow water that increase transmission loss, especially for lower frequencies: In shallow water ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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9 votes

What would be a good journal to publish an animal population density estimate using acoustic data?

One option for marine species is Fishery Bulletin I second Journal of Applied Ecology (noted above), Biological Conservation (for species of concern, such as fin whales), or if you were feeling ...
Shannon's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there any library that gathers marine species vocalizations?

This site has a compilation of publicly available bioacoustic datasets & repo's (not necessarily specific to marine, but has some marine datasets included).
7 votes

Acoustic studies of mixed-species groups?

Does "mixed-species chorus" qualify? If so: Structure and dynamics of mixed-species choruses in a tropical anuran assemblage: insights from network analysis (Duarte et al 2021). Also this ...
Dan Stowell's user avatar
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7 votes

Are there conventions for describing the visual representation of sounds on a spectrogram (i.e. names for shape patterns)?

I would look a bit in the bird world for this. There are many visual based ways of describing sounds. Bill Evans' Old Bird is a great example, as his classification of night flight calls includes ...
etgriffiths's user avatar
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5 votes

Are there conventions for describing the visual representation of sounds on a spectrogram (i.e. names for shape patterns)?

Might I suggest the site or the book Peterson Field Guide To Bird Sounds Of Western North America (Peterson Field Guides). While these are used for birdsongs in the given ...
ana-alcantara's user avatar
5 votes

Help Identifying Low-Frequency Sound

It is hard to say for sure just from the spectrogram image, but it looks a lot like fish sounds to me. There are a number of species producing these types of sounds (grunts and knocks) off Vancouver ...
Xavier Mouy's user avatar
5 votes

Where can I find the official "limits" on what noise levels cause harm in marine mammals in US waters?

This NOAA website has some summaries of efforts within the United States, as well as helpful links and example data that may be accessible for non-experts. For example: https://media.fisheries.noaa....
Samara H's user avatar
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5 votes

Where can I find the official "limits" on what noise levels cause harm in marine mammals in US waters?

The most recent official document is the "2018 Revision to: Technical Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing (Version 2.0) put forth by the Office of ...
selene's user avatar
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4 votes

What would be a good journal to publish an animal population density estimate using acoustic data?

Frontiers in Marine Science is another good one.
Dave Mellinger's user avatar
4 votes

What would be a good journal to publish an animal population density estimate using acoustic data?

I've definitely seen those kinds of papers in Methods in Ecology & Evolution, but it's typically more a description of the statistical method with a case study rather than the implications of the ...
Carly Batist's user avatar
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4 votes

What lossy compression is okay for marine sound?

In my personal experience with sperm whales' recordings (echolocation and coda clicks), the MP3 compression didn't affect the sound for ID purposes. But this may depend on the sound you are recordings ...
Cristina Marcolin's user avatar
4 votes

Help Identifying Low-Frequency Sound

Because of your location near Vancouver Island and the low-frequency, harmonic nature of the calls, my mind immediately jumped to the fish, plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus), perhaps being a ...
Audrey Looby's user avatar
4 votes

Are there conventions for describing the visual representation of sounds on a spectrogram (i.e. names for shape patterns)?

For the bird world, Nathan Pieplow's book mentioned above really set new standards in terms of communication about vocalisations. I'd recommend to check it out too.
Patrick Franke's user avatar
4 votes

Are there conventions for describing the visual representation of sounds on a spectrogram (i.e. names for shape patterns)?

I consider it challenging to obtain unique or commonly accepted description of spectrogram features. For example very fast clicks appear different as function of analysis window. They can in the ...
WMXZ's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there conventions for describing the visual representation of sounds on a spectrogram (i.e. names for shape patterns)?

Bioacoustics Stack Exchange! I might suggest that the Bioacoustics Stack Exchange might be a good place to get a wide variety of community input on appropriate descriptive terms. I would recommend ...
Shannon's user avatar
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2 votes

Acoustic studies of mixed-species groups?

From my personal research experience... Acoustics studies of marine mammals are complicated by the fact that humans only visually observe a small fraction of their behavior while the animals are at ...
Shannon's user avatar
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2 votes

Unknown marine mammal call - low frequency - Evans Strait, Hudson Bay

I second the last comment - many of us listen to audio to identify sounds. If you can include a link to a sound clip someone may be able to tell you if those impulsive sounds are clicks, knocks, ...
AWestell's user avatar
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2 votes

What lossy compression is okay for marine sound?

Given how cheap storage has become, and that lossless compression is possible, I really don't see any argument for using lossy compressions: don't go there!
Marinebioacoustics Aarhus Univ's user avatar
1 vote

Help Identifying Low-Frequency Sound

I think this is a humpback whale. Attached is a recording from Southeast Alaska that looks very similar. I believe this call has been described in humpback whales in the Salish Sea (although feel free ...
Melanie Smith's user avatar
1 vote

What lossy compression is okay for marine sound?

it's not from the marine environment, but this recent paper by Becky Heath et al may be a useful starting point: Thanks
Carlos Abrahams's user avatar
1 vote

Help Identifying Low-Frequency Sound

Others may correct me, but Very Low Baleen whale sounds, i.e. 20Hz Fin whale and 50/100 Hz Blue whale calls are more tonal and not pulsed sounds (with related pseudo harmonics) as shown in spectrogram....
WMXZ's user avatar
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1 vote

Mystery Marine Animal Sound off Georgia USA in Western Atlantic

The fuzzy noise near 0Hz indicates instrument noise to me at first glance. I'd zoom in much further on that to see if there is a strong fundamental frequency.
Dan Woodrich's user avatar

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