Terrestrial & aquatic/marine collaborations in bioacoustics
There have been numerous workshops that have included bioacousticians from both the terrestrial & aquatic realm.
The 'Bio-acoustics as indicators of population structure: Data, techniques, and ...
Terrestrial & aquatic/marine collaborations in bioacoustics
The Acoustical Society of America Animal Bioacoustics Technical Committee is a great venue to discuss and encourage such collaboration. It's one of the few places I've been exposed to research on ...
How to reduce the unwanted wave noise in Hydrophone recordings?
You originally asked for 3 different noise sources, and you ask how to deal with it at the source (and later in analyses):
Bumping on sea floor: If your hydrophone is bumping directly on the seafloor ...
How to reduce the unwanted wave noise in Hydrophone recordings?
There are a couple of principles to enhance the signal to noise ratio
bandpass filtering removes out-of-band noise
median filters attenuate impulsive noise, when one is interested in tonals.
matched ...
Terrestrial & aquatic/marine collaborations in bioacoustics
You may already know of these papers, which attempted common analyses for terrestrial and marine recordings:
Buxton et al (2018) "Efficacy of extracting indices from large-scale acoustic ...
How to reduce the unwanted wave noise in Hydrophone recordings?
Not sure if this is something you could consider, but my lab just had these floats custom made to hold a SoundTrap and F-POD with the goal of stabilizing the hydrophones, reducing strumming, etc. They'...
Terrestrial & aquatic/marine collaborations in bioacoustics
Given the increasing interest in applying soundscape acoustic indices to marine environments (originally developed for terrestrial work), perhaps this topic offers a means of collaboration between the ...
Terrestrial & aquatic/marine collaborations in bioacoustics
If one ignores the different sensors and different environmental challenges, there are a lot of common approaches. Especially in signal processing. Obviously one must learn to accept that there are ...
Detecting and measuring particle motion and sound movement through water and sand
In cases where the sound pressure varies in phase with the velocity of the medium (water/sand) the sound pressure is proportional to the particle velocity (far field condition). See this question ...
Low-Frequency (likely baleen whale) Sound from Unknown Source - Oregon coast
Those look like they could be blue whale non-song sounds, but it's difficult to know with any certainty without any further context.
These type of blue whale calls are uncommon, so have only been ...
Many time Hydrophone recording consist of Chain noise at regular interval. How to minimize this unintended sounds?
Chains are used as anker and to attenuate potential vertical motions of the the recorder. If the sensor moves up more and more chain elements lift from ground and decelerate lift. Very often, ...
Terrestrial & aquatic/marine collaborations in bioacoustics
I think there are many opportunities here, especially if you are interested in taking a comparative approach. Comparative studies that look at multiple (groups of) species are very valuable if we want ...
How to reduce the unwanted wave noise in Hydrophone recordings?
If you can deploy multiple hydrophones (either on same cable or on separate cables) and synchronize their recordings, it is possible to filter signals based on their arrival angle.
Two hydrophones ...
How to reduce the unwanted wave noise in Hydrophone recordings?
If nothing can be done on instrument design, and you have a lot of data with consistent noise inputs, machine learning methods are very capable of learning the noise sources in your data and excluding ...
How to reduce the unwanted wave noise in Hydrophone recordings?
Several audio mixing programs (DAW = Digital Audio Workstation) has noise reductions functions. It is possible that if you use one of them you could get a good reduction. Some of them work on taking a ...
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