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9 votes

Can a single tympanal ear detect the direction or distance from which a sound comes?

The eardrum is a single sensor: The sound pressure which vibrates the eardrum propagates as a single signal in the hammer bone which is attached to the inner surface of the eardrum, i.e. there is no ...
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Modeling acoustic propagation for underwater environment

Is far as I can see, all models from the Acoustic Toolbox can be easily called from Matlab and Python. My own preference is Bellhop, but have not used the latest version. My experience with RAM is ...
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Can a single tympanal ear detect the direction or distance from which a sound comes?

Yes, to some extent. The shape of human ears filters sound differently depending on direction, see
acrskqghsatqnqkzxy's user avatar
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Can a single tympanal ear detect the direction or distance from which a sound comes?

The Cochlea that translates sound/vibrations into chemo-electrical (nerve) signals is only a single sensor and therefore directionality cannot be obtained by time-delay estimations. However, the ear ...
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4 votes

Many time Hydrophone recording consist of Chain noise at regular interval. How to minimize this unintended sounds?

Chains are used as anker and to attenuate potential vertical motions of the the recorder. If the sensor moves up more and more chain elements lift from ground and decelerate lift. Very often, ...
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If we turn on a TV, is the sound pressure level of the room increased definitely?

Human hearing sensitivity is approximately logarithmic, leading to the use of decibel scale to measure sound level. Decibels don't add up directly. For unrelated sounds, the formula is (see e.g. this ...
jpa's user avatar
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If we turn on a TV, is the sound pressure level of the room increased definitely?

In general, any added sound increases the total sound pressure level (SPL), even if this sound alone has a smaller SPL than that of the background sound of the room. This is right when the added sound ...
Noil's user avatar
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4 votes

Modeling acoustic propagation for underwater environment

The acoustic models used most often for range dependent environments are the parabolic equation and eigen-rays. The most used implementations of these are RAM and Bellhop, which can be found on the ...
nedlrichards's user avatar
3 votes

Acoustic sample for sufficient soundscape features description based on acoustic indices

The short answer is 'yes', you can use those indices and that workflow to characterise the soundscapes at each site. Whether 120 hours is suitable for your sites will depend on the complexity of the ...
EcologyTom's user avatar
3 votes

How long have your audiomoths lasted (total lifespan)?

I deployed 55 audiomoths for roughly 3 months total in the tropics, both dry and wet seasons, and lost 3 to battery corrosion, 1 to a broken switch. Wet season means daily serious downpours. I also ...
Hubert's user avatar
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1 vote

Can a single tympanal ear detect the direction or distance from which a sound comes?

Sound Cues and Horizontal Plane Localization There are different sound cues we naturally learn to be able to localize sound sources. These cues may be related to the sound energy (amplitude) and to ...
Phxuibs's user avatar
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1 vote

Can a single tympanal ear detect the direction or distance from which a sound comes?

The shape of the ear helps with broadband sounds. If you have a cat you can see a similar effect by testing its ability to find the height of a sound source. It can accurately find the source when ...
cosine's user avatar
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