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15 votes

How does PSD accuracy change with FFT size?

Short answer: the choice of FFT length will affect how many points your Power Spectral Density (PSD) estimate will have in the frequency domain (and thus its ability to show small details, i.e. its &...
fabio_hirono's user avatar
12 votes

How does PSD accuracy change with FFT size?

The power spectral density (PSD) of the signal describes the power present in the signal as a function of frequency, per unit frequency. So, the answer is NO, while the spectral power estimate will ...
WMXZ's user avatar
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10 votes

How to remove DC offset from my audio recordings in spectral domain?

You may not need to. The DC offset should show up only in a single bin of the FFT, namely the one corresponding to 0 Hz, which is (usually) the very first element of the vector output by an FFT ...
Dave Mellinger's user avatar
6 votes

How to remove DC offset from my audio recordings in spectral domain?

You can also reduce DC offset by applying a band filter to the signal, which will reduce the effects of DC offset in the spectrogram. Applications like Raven Lite and Audacity make this approach easy. ...
Michael Pitzrick's user avatar
6 votes

Comparison of similar power spectra

It's not very clear what you mean with "equal frequency composition", but assuming the sounds you're talking about are mostly tonal (and hence have a fundamental frequency ...
fabio_hirono's user avatar
4 votes

How does PSD accuracy change with FFT size?

It depends on what you mean by 'accuracy.' The FFT length as such does not help much in answering the question. When I teach spectral analysis to my students at the Indian Institute of Technology ...
Tarun Chandrayadula's user avatar
3 votes

How to remove DC offset from my audio recordings in spectral domain?

Removing the DC component in the frequency domain is not trivial, and generally not recommended. Although ideally all the DC content should be at the 0-th bin of your Discrete Fourier Transform, in ...
fabio_hirono's user avatar
2 votes

How to remove DC offset from my audio recordings in spectral domain?

If you work with R and you can remove it with the function rmoffset() from seewave package.
Amandine Gasc's user avatar
2 votes

Comparison of similar power spectra

An easy way without programming would be: Measure the fundamental frequency $F_i$ at the beginning of the call for each of your recording i. Choose the new standard fundamental frequency for all your ...
Noil's user avatar
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1 vote

How does PSD accuracy change with FFT size?

To make it clear, one should also look at a signal of a specific frequency (pure tone signal). The PSD is then an infinite narrow, but infinite high peak (a delta function with the integral yielding ...
Jörg Rychen's user avatar
1 vote

Comparison of similar power spectra

Some cross-correlation algorithms allow for the frequency shift between spectrograms. For example, in Avisoft, you can set-up maximum frequency deviation between the spectrograms (http://www.avisoft....
Pavel Linhart's user avatar
1 vote

How to remove DC offset from my audio recordings in spectral domain?

Depending on how you're converting to the spectral domain, this may happen automatically. Many transformation algorithms either implicitly or explicitly drop the zero-frequency component of the ...
Mark's user avatar
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1 vote

How to remove DC offset from my audio recordings in spectral domain?

Simply put the zero'th frequency bin to zero.
WMXZ's user avatar
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