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24 votes
5 answers

Why report SNR, and what SNR is acceptable?

I see several papers that quantify animal sounds and include the SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) of the signals of interest. Why is this done - surely a signal wouldn't be detected if the SNR was ...
Chloe's user avatar
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24 votes
12 answers

What is an easy way to split .wav files using R or Matlab?

I have some very long .wav files that are taking a long time to process. There are only short sections within this longer file that I'm interested in analysing. Is there an efficient way to split ...
EmmaL's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Software for calculating long-term spectral averages

What software programs exist that can be used to calculate sound levels for long-durations of continuous audio files? A helpful list of other sound processing programs was shared recently: https://...
Samara H's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

Manual measurements of calls from spectrograms. Should I be concerned with accuracy?

I've been struggling to measure the duration of my field-recorded bat calls well (with decent amounts of reverberation). Manual measurements are common in my study field using spectrograms. Using a ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Maximum wav file size for reasonable processing in PAMGuard

I would like to maximize the file size of my wav files for continuous recordings without significantly sacrificing the performance of PAMGuard analysis. I realize this depends computer specs (among ...
Shannon's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Software for calculating long-duration false-colour spectrogram?

I'd like to calculate a set of false colour spectrograms, from long-duration audio -- i.e. the type of visualisation introduced by Michael Towsey's research group at QUT, like this: The QUT ...
Dan Stowell's user avatar
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