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Questions tagged [analysis]

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2 votes
2 answers

Acoustic sample for sufficient soundscape features description based on acoustic indices

I am using 120 x one hour acoustic files ( according to "Guidelines for the use of acoustic indices in environmental research, to describe my soundscapes ...
3 votes
1 answer

How can I tell what channel PAMGuide uses for a PSD analysis on multi-channel merged files?

I have 5-channel files that I am running through a PSD analysis in PAMGuide, but in order to complete my analyses, I need to know which channel it is using to calculate (I presume it is not using an ...
1 vote
3 answers

BirdNET: workflow for correcting manually trained classifier?

I am using BirdNET GUI for analysis of bird vocalizations. I have created a classifier using the GUI and some training data, and I am wanting to improve it, e.g. correct false classifications and ...
4 votes
2 answers

Why do my power spectrums look like a jigsaw?

Let's say I want to measure the peak frequency of a sound. In my understanding, I take the sound snippet (here it has 2585 samples), run in in an fft => 2*2585 data points. I take the module of the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Finding Species-specific Parameters for RIBBIT (opensoundscape)

I am trying to find waterfrog (Pelophylax) calls in my audiofiles. While using RIBBIT I need the following parameters: signal band noise band pulse rate range (min/max) number of samples per ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to set frequency limits when using acoustic_complexity_index() from scikit-maad?

I have previously used R and the functions ACI() from seewave and acoustic_complexity() from soundecology to calculate the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI). However, I am transitioning to using Python ...
4 votes
1 answer

Which software can batch calculate weighted SNR of recordings?

A way of assessing the quality of a sound recording in Audacity is to use 'ACX Check' found under Analyze to calculate an SNR value. 'ACX Check' is not intended for batch calculation of SNR for more ...
3 votes
2 answers

Modeling PTS and TTS Distances for Pile Driving?

I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to find the auditory Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) and Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) ranges for Right whales. I know the source level for ...
8 votes
1 answer

Apple M1/M2 chips for acoustic deep learning

I’ve been reading that both Tensorflow and Pytorch deep learning frameworks are now supported by Apple M1/M2 chips. This means that a deep learning acoustic species classifier should run an order of ...
12 votes
2 answers

Click train classification - PAMGuard

I tried to find online resources on how the click train function of the click detector (the in-built click train detector), in PAMGuard, works. Unfortunately, I didn't find anything useful. I also ...
15 votes
4 answers

Maximum wav file size for reasonable processing in PAMGuard

I would like to maximize the file size of my wav files for continuous recordings without significantly sacrificing the performance of PAMGuard analysis. I realize this depends computer specs (among ...
10 votes
1 answer

What statistical method should I use to see whether a birdsong changed in the span of ~20 years

For my current research, I am trying to analyze a birdsong located on two islands. For ~20 years, it was considered as one species but two years ago they were split and considered as two. I wanted to ...
5 votes
1 answer

Advice on the best methods for quantifying high-medium SNR bird sounds

Related to my recent post, I am working on finding a way to 1) diagnose the presence of two kinds of specific bird sounds throughout my hundreds of hours of audio data, and perhaps to 2) analyze the ...
12 votes
1 answer

Preferred R code settings/packages for publication-level spectrograms

I need to include spectrograms in a manuscript and was wondering what peoples' preferred R packages/code settings/etc. were for high-quality spectrogram plots? I know there are a bunch of options in ...
8 votes
3 answers

Software for calculating long-duration false-colour spectrogram?

I'd like to calculate a set of false colour spectrograms, from long-duration audio -- i.e. the type of visualisation introduced by Michael Towsey's research group at QUT, like this: The QUT ...
19 votes
4 answers

$10\log_{10}(X)$ or $20\log_{10}(X)$ dB values - how to tell?

Inspired by this question on dBs, I wanted to ask about a potentially dumb confusion I always have. When referring to an absolute measurement value, dBs always come with a reference. However, it is ...
5 votes
1 answer

Mark Recapture Distance Sampling, estimating trackline detection probability p(0) for additional variables such as Beaufort Sea States

Shipboard line-transect distance sampling methods are commonly used to estimate populations of cetaceans. One of the assumptions of these methods is that all animals on the trackline are detected, but ...
9 votes
2 answers

Fuzzy clustering code for vocal repertoire analysis/classification?

I study a lemur species that has pretty graded calls, and it can be difficult to objectively draw the line between what is and is not a different call type. I've seen some recent work looking at fuzzy ...
6 votes
1 answer

How to change date/time created on Zoom H4N metadata

I've been using a Zoom H4N to record bird vocalisations paired with a dictation microphone for behaviour observations. When I'm trying to sync up my data, the dictation mic .mp3 file has the correct ...
13 votes
3 answers

What lossy compression is okay for marine sound?

This answer by Dan Stowell states: Every time I've seen this studied, the MP3 compression makes little-to-no impact on the subsequent analysis. However, the papers I've read are mostly about ...
5 votes
1 answer

Uncalibrated results and non-recognition of timestamp with Meta function of PAMGuide in R

I need to calculate calibrated soundscape metrics for 2 months continuous recordings made with SoundTraps HF600, so I thougth about using PAMGuide (Merchant et al. 2015). I've tried using the Meta ...
6 votes
1 answer

Fun challenge: how would you analyze this sound track to show presence or absence of acoustic interactions

How would you analyze the sound track in this video to show the presence or absence of acoustic interactions between the cello emissions and the birds?
24 votes
12 answers

What is an easy way to split .wav files using R or Matlab?

I have some very long .wav files that are taking a long time to process. There are only short sections within this longer file that I'm interested in analysing. Is there an efficient way to split ...
9 votes
2 answers

How to measure long-term dataset for soundscape AND impulsivity?

I have years of passive acoustic monitoring data collected on several full-bandwidth underwater noise recorders around windfarms. Given the volume of the data, I need to automate the analysis, and am ...
10 votes
3 answers

How do I synthesise an arbitrary frequency-modulated sound?

I'd like to synthesise a series of bat social-call like sounds (that look 'wavy' on the spectrogram, (see schematic below). I'm looking to test my acoustic analyses with synthetic audio , and being ...
14 votes
5 answers

What animals can be individually identified through their vocalisations? And to what extent?

Like humans, many animals have unique voices through which we can identify them individually. This information is beneficial in non-invasive tracking, population/density estimation and much more. But ...
10 votes
1 answer

Echosounder setting off automated whistle detector in PAMGuard - Help!

I have underwater acoustic recordings and am interested in marking out dolphin whistles. I am currently having to manually remove an echosounder (which has a bit of a sweep to it), as I do not want my ...
13 votes
2 answers

What is the purpose of overlapping windows in acoustic signal processing?

When reading the methods sections of bioacoustics papers, I often see a window length and % overlap reported in the description of how the spectral analysis was done. What is the purpose of this? ...
17 votes
3 answers

What soundscape visualizations are useful for assessing biodiversity over long time periods (>1 year)

I'm interested in effective methods to visualize and subsequently analyze long-term acoustic datasets, including those from disparate datasets. Are there preferred color schemes that work well for ...
24 votes
5 answers

Why report SNR, and what SNR is acceptable?

I see several papers that quantify animal sounds and include the SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) of the signals of interest. Why is this done - surely a signal wouldn't be detected if the SNR was ...
20 votes
4 answers

Software for calculating long-term spectral averages

What software programs exist that can be used to calculate sound levels for long-durations of continuous audio files? A helpful list of other sound processing programs was shared recently: https://...
19 votes
4 answers

How to interpret an echogram?

In several biologging studies that have used acoustic recording tags, I see graphs called "echograms" but I'm having trouble understanding them. For example, here is one made from a sound-...
10 votes
1 answer

How to assess the quality of audio signals?

Some questions already touch on this regarding signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). However, this is only one component of audio quality. Many other issues (such as clipping, signal degradation/mic quality) ...
11 votes
2 answers

How to measure sperm whale's IPI?

It's pretty easy to find the definition of a sperm whale's IPI (interpulse interval) and the methods that can be used to do it. Papers usually show some spectrograms with different pulses (Møhl et al.,...
17 votes
6 answers

Manual measurements of calls from spectrograms. Should I be concerned with accuracy?

I've been struggling to measure the duration of my field-recorded bat calls well (with decent amounts of reverberation). Manual measurements are common in my study field using spectrograms. Using a ...
5 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between types of frequency filters?

While trying to filter out low frequencies out of my recordings (in R, package Seewave and TuneR), I realized that there are many types of filters (butterworth filter, fir filter, square filter, etc.)....
5 votes
1 answer

Methods to segment CF and FM components of a call?

I have single-channel recordings of horseshoe/rhinolophid bats which have call shapes with a 'tabletop' or 'staple-pin' shape. (See spectrogram below). The flat portion is the 'constant-frequency' ...
6 votes
6 answers

How to remove DC offset from my audio recordings in spectral domain?

I have audio recordings with a consistent DC offset, which I would like to correct. I know that in the time domain, I can subtract the mean of the entire signal from the original signal (...