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Questions tagged [audio]

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2 votes
2 answers

Difference TFSD from seewave and scikit-maad

I noticed a difference in output when computing the TFSD using the seewave R package and the scikit-maad implementation in python. Is there any justification and is it possible to get the same result ...
Antoine Bernabeu's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

dynaSpec R package is creating an MP4 file with only audio and no video

I am trying to visualize a short recording of an insect, using a WAV file, using the scrolling_spectro command in the R package ...
leafhooper's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to export "filtered play" audio only on RavenPro

So I'm using RavenPro to analyse recordings from hydrophones in the indian ocean and trying to export sound clips of humpback whale calls but I wanted to know if there is a way to export filtered ...
Matthew Walker's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a sample rate of audio files required for working with PAMGuard?

Some parameters of the click detector are already set by default in samples. For which sample rate or range of sample rates is PAMGuard designed for? I have audio files with a 128 KHz sample rate and ...
Anaa's user avatar
  • 451
5 votes
2 answers

Can't hear my .wav files in PAMGuard, issues with loading spectrogram

I'm relatively new to using PAMGuard, and I'm not sure how to address that I can't hear the .wav files that make up my dataset on the application. The audio files were recorded in the Salish Sea using ...
HajnalRinyu's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How could I process multiple audio files in PAMGuard?

The database I want to analyze contains hundreds of audio files of 1 minute each and I wanted to process them in PAMGuard as quickly as possible and also to be able to save the result in a single file ...
Anaa's user avatar
  • 451