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Questions tagged [signal-detection]

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2 answers

Max click length, pre and post samples

When using the Click Detector in Pamguard, I know that the min click length should show the minimum samples so that the Click detector would be able to keep a single click detected on multiple nearby ...
Nara's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How do I shorten call selections to only contain the signal and not background noise using warbleR or ohun in R?

I have drawn >4000 selections on seabird chick call spectrograms in Raven with ~0.1 to 0.4 seconds on either side of the signal (a stipulation of the call parameter measurement software I was ...
Katrina W's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What are these underwater, high frequency (20-45 kHz), upsweep signals?

In a recording from January 2023 in northern Norway (Skjervoy), I found a strange signal, that consist of upsweeps between 20-45 kHz (see spectrogram). We were recording humpback whales in the night ...
Jörg Rychen's user avatar
5 votes
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Question on true positives calculated in R package ohun

I am wondering if anyone has had success using the package ohun for energy-based detection and successful evaluation of their detection routines. I have used the ...
ksh530's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Difference between GCC 'flavours'?

I'm trying to use the generalised cross-correlation (GCC) to find time-difference esimates acoss my multi-channel data. I also understand that there are multiple types of GCC (PHAT, SCOT, Roth, Hanan-...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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Are there other whales that make the “Loneliest Whale” 52 Hz call?

In 2021 a documentary was made about ‘The Loneliest Whale’, featuring a unique whale call at 52 Hz. The movie claims that a single, individual whale makes the call and that other whales do not ...
ASimonis's user avatar
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Framework for signal detection in groups

Are there any quantitative models that predict how mutual signal jamming affects signal detection in conspecific groups? For instance, echolocating bats in groups will not only perceive the echoes of ...
Henrik Brumm's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How can I convert a cepstrum to temporal features, like interclick interval?

Signals like burst pulses often appear like tonal signals in a spectrogram. McCullough et al 2021 used cepstra to identify burst pulses, by capturing burst pulse harmonics in the spectrogram. How do ...
ASimonis's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Software options for diagnosing the performance of a detection routine

Is there any software option for diagnosing the performance of an automatic acoustic detection routine? I am thinking of something that can take the output of an automatic detection routine (e.g., a ...
Marcelo Araya-Salas's user avatar