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Questions tagged [echolocation]

all questions related to animal echolocation where an individual emits sound and uses the returning echoes to navigate.

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3 votes
2 answers

Can someone explain 195-224 dB re μPa at 1 m to me?

I'm reading a journal article on wind and vessel noise in the sound fields experienced by southern killer whales, and I have struggled with a lot of technical jargon in the methods and materials ...
kris's user avatar
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1 answer

How does cetacean echolocation sound inside a submersible?

To be more specific: assuming an inner and outer hull, with the in-between gap partially serving as a ballast tank, would the transition from water to metal to air/water to metal to air: a) amplify or ...
rccapps's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How much does inner city noise mask bat echolocation?

When traveling in a very busy,very loud city recently, I noticed a few small bats clearly feeding on bugs attracted to a street lamp. I was on a party street, and there was loud music pouring out of ...
etgriffiths's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

how far does the analogy between echolocation and vision go?

In popular culture and layman scientific explanations echolocation is often seen as a literal 'auditory version' of the visual sensory modality. Also perhaps given the human visual dominance, many of ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What is the target strength of a fishing net?

In the context of mitigating bycatch, a lot of research has gone into making nets more detectable for echolocating toothed whales by making them more reflective. The magnitude of the backscattering ...
Marinebioacoustics Aarhus Univ's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Filtering audio for multichannel time-difference-of-arrival localisation

I have a multichannel array that I need to bandpass before feeding into my time-difference-of-arrival localisation (TDOA) routine. I remember hearing somewhere that I should be vary careful about ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Call reflections while recording bat calls with mic array

I have a 4 mic array on a tripod that I use to record Pipistrelles flying about 3-5 m above the ground over a lake. My calls are always 'double' for some reason (two calls, the direct path and some ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Why are high frequency sounds absorbed more than low frequency sound?

Atmospheric absorption seems to play a big role in bat echolocation as it apparently strongly limits perception range. I know absorption changes with frequency, but I don't understand why, and all the ...
lframond's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Library of odontocete vocalisation properties/characteristics

I'm looking at echolocation clicks of an odontocete species and want to compare the properties/characteristics of the clicks to other odontocete species. I'm aware of sound libraries such as DOSITS ...
EmmaL's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Framework for signal detection in groups

Are there any quantitative models that predict how mutual signal jamming affects signal detection in conspecific groups? For instance, echolocating bats in groups will not only perceive the echoes of ...
Henrik Brumm's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Measuring Energy Flux Density (EFD) - how is the length of a click determined?

When measuring echolocation clicks, there are multiple ways to make some measures of amplitude, for example peak-to-peak, RMS or energy flux density (EFD). Peak-to-peak and RMS are simple, however, I ...
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9 votes
2 answers

Do common swifts (Apus apus) echolocate?

I'm seeing and hearing a lot of activity of common swifts (Apus apus) here in Europe, and the flight and call behaviour reminds me a lot of echolocating bats hunting insects. (The call has strong high-...
Dan Stowell's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

I need to measure the target strength of an animal. What to consider while setting up the experiment

I need to estimate the distance at which bats can detect each other through echolocation. To do this I need to measure the target strength of a bat. I currently have a taxidermy bat, ultrasound ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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