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28 votes
4 answers

Categories of Bioacoustics Software

Some of you may have seen Tessa Rhinehart great list of bioacoustics software We're in the process of trying to turn this into an easier to use ...
Louis F-H's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Comparison of Soundscape metrics from different software?

There are a number of software packages available for describing soundscape and differing views on which approach is 'best' (see this thread), and there have been attempts at developing standards for ...
Shannon's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Software for calculating long-term spectral averages

What software programs exist that can be used to calculate sound levels for long-durations of continuous audio files? A helpful list of other sound processing programs was shared recently: https://...
Samara H's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Robust constant-recording software

We have a screening set up to record from singing male songbirds and need a way to continuously record their cages 24/7 but only save files when sound is detected (we have a post-processing step that ...
Arnold's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Software for calculating long-duration false-colour spectrogram?

I'd like to calculate a set of false colour spectrograms, from long-duration audio -- i.e. the type of visualisation introduced by Michael Towsey's research group at QUT, like this: The QUT ...
Dan Stowell's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Duty Cycling on FPOD

I am attempting to program an FPODs software to record periodically at 1 min out of 2, but when we save the specific settings file "F_SETS.txt", the POD doesn't read it automatically (as I ...
Hannah's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Replacements for Sound Analysis Pro 2011 given Compatibility Issues

We are working a lot with audio recordings from songbirds in our lab. For the past decade, everybody was using a custom software called Sound Analysis Pro 2011 (SAP2011) for a plethora of tasks. The ...
fabian's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How can you incorporate the hydrophone calibration in Avisoft?

I am stuck in being able to calibrate the avisoft. I have a soundtrap Hf300 and I'm not sure how to insert the data into the avisoft calibration. Any advice? Thanks All the best
Gisela Giardino's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Setting Triton to Make LTSAs for Channel 1

How to set Triton to only work with channel 1 of my files? I know a solution would be to split my files, but every time I try, Sox tells me the channels are unreadable and when I load the files into ...
Karianne Kapfer's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Uncalibrated results and non-recognition of timestamp with Meta function of PAMGuide in R

I need to calculate calibrated soundscape metrics for 2 months continuous recordings made with SoundTraps HF600, so I thougth about using PAMGuide (Merchant et al. 2015). I've tried using the Meta ...
LaraLopes's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why can't I open and use Sox-o-matic 1.1.10?

I was able to use Sox-o-matic 1.1.10 before but this pop-up suddenly occurred after a few times. Any idea what happened and what I could do to use this software again? Thank you!
ana-alcantara's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

scikit maad ACI

I noticed, regarding the ACI calculation in skicit maad , that it usually ranges between 300-500 while in other publications (with seewave or soundecology calculations) it ranges around to 1800. Is ...
xrigeo's user avatar
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