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2 votes
2 answers

Acoustic sample for sufficient soundscape features description based on acoustic indices

I am using 120 x one hour acoustic files ( according to "Guidelines for the use of acoustic indices in environmental research, to describe my soundscapes ...
xrigeo's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

PAMGuard not reading files - SoundTrap data offload issues

UPDATE: The issue related to this question was due to some 1KB files incorrectly downloaded from the soundtrap, that were not allowing PAMguard to process the next files after those. PAMguard (...
Angaro's user avatar
  • 73
3 votes
1 answer

Can I use music-related soundcards to record ultrasounds (providing the sampling frequency is high enough)?

I'd like to record rodent ultrasounds (~40-120 kHz) with a soundcard initially made to deal with human-related sounds. The sampling frequency can be adjusted accordingly, however, the microphone/line ...
Noil's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Advice for capturing duty cycle as a percentage of time sound was recorded

The NOAA NCEI Passive Acoustic Data Archive captures duty cycle information for all our data providers, which span the gamut of continuous recordings to having multiple sampling regimens during the ...
Carrie Wall's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to decode .dat files obtained from SonoTrack?

Disclaimer: I have advanced knowledge of Python, R, and Matlab, so we can skip the basics (such as how to load a file into a programing environment). The quest is to somehow decode data from .dat ...
Dan's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Marantz PMD660 stuck on loading

My trusted Marantz PMD660 Solid state recorder recently developed a fault during a field trip in which it gets stuck on "Loading" when turned on with a CF Card inside. It starts fine without ...
Caglar's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Recommended Setup to record Tree Sounds

Question: What would be your recommended Microphone / Interface Setup ? Task: Hello everyone, i am curious about a technical setup to record Xylem tubes and water cavitating inside trees. the idea was ...
jindo's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Parabolic Microphones?

I'm doing some field recording but we're not able to get super close to what we're looking to record. I figured a parabolic mic might be the move, but they all seem really expensive, and our budget is ...
Becky Heath's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Detection and removing of windy events in wild acoustic recordings

I have to clean my dataset of recordings concerning an African penguin colony inhabits the South African coast. In particular, since I have recordings with days of strong wind with clipped/noisy ...
fterranova's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

SoundTrap 4300 CH1 Faint Signal & Banding

We have collected 2 channeled recordings from two different ST4300 units, and more recently we have noticed that the signal in CH1 looks really weak. This has occurred in most but not all new ...
Kourtney Burger's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to avoid that cables get entangled in the field?

Does anybody have an advice to keep cables from entangling horribly during field recording? I have the cable from the microphone and the cable from the headphones, both longer than I can handle with ...
lframond's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Rechargeable batteries for Song Meter mini

Looking for any recommendations on high quality rechargeable batteries that can be used in Song Meter minis? Looking for rechargeable batteries to last up to 10 days on 12 hour continuous recording ...
Jess Leaver's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Recording parrots, would a Zoom H4N suffice?

I am working on my undergrad thesis with geographical variations on parrot vocalizations.I originally designed my study with Audiomoths because I had just gotten some. However, I now realized that ...
user1396's user avatar
3 votes
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Spectra Plus wav files not correct duration

I'm not sure if this is an issue with SpectraPlus or something else, but I heard others had similar problems with different software. I record with two hydrophones with a soundcard + monitoring it ...
Maya Philipp's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What options are there for micro audio recorders?

I'm in the process of purchasing gear for this upcoming field season and am looking for audio recorder recommendations. I'm hoping to place ~30 small recorders in seabird rock crevices to record ...
Katrina W's user avatar
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5 votes
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Song Meter vs AudioMoth PAM performance

I'm assembling a PAM field kit for the upcoming breeding season in the temperate rainforest ecoregion of Washington, USA, and would love to learn about your experiences with different ARU (Autonomous ...
giojacuzzi's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Does anyone know of a compact, stereo underwater recorder (other than ST440/640)?

I'm looking for a commercial source of compact underwater recorder with inputs for at least two hydrophones. Ocean Instruments is not currently marketing their Soundtrap 440 or 640 recorders, so ...
Jay's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is the actual SoundTrap 500HF file start time the one in the filename or the one listed in the log.xml file?

I am finding it is consistently 1 second later in the log file WavFileHandler SamplingStartTimeLocal="2022-06-02T12:10:09" for the file named: 5381.220602121008.wav Which is the correct one?...
Catherine's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Is there a shared open access Bioacoustics platform?

I am searching for a Bioacoustics platform where I can download and upload free bioacoustic data. It would have to be open data that can be shared and used freely for other venues such as filmmakers. ...
WMRamadan's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How best to attach piezzo sensors to a leaf to measure insect vibratory signal?

I'd like to measure with a cheap piezoelectric disk the vibration signals sent by whiteflies when resting on leaves. These disks are usually pretty big (I have not found any less 2cm diameter) and ...
Noil's user avatar
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6 votes
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Recording of whitefly vibrations: "piezo" versus "low-noise microphone with subtrate-air diffusion"

Whiteflies communicate before and during mating through abdomen oscillations which vibrations are believed to propagate mostly in the leaf (~100-400 Hz). They are very low-energy signals which are ...
Noil's user avatar
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2 answers

Which software can read bwf file cue chunk data and present it in an easily accessible format, such as a .txt file?

'Whispering bats' are bat species that either use low volume echo location calls or use passive hearing for prey detection, so producing no echo location calls at all. Detecting and identifying ...
Ulf Elman's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Acoustic Recording File Description and Annotation Standards - What Exists? What Should Exist?

I am hoping to compile a list of existing standards or recommended approaches for describing acoustic files, including any notable strengths or weaknesses with the systems. My team has access to large ...
Sarah Vela's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

How to evaluate changing sensitivity of a recorder over time?

In discussions with colleagues I've learned that the sensitivity of a recorder can vary over the duration of a deployment. I'm not sure why or how this happens, but how can you evaluate if it has ...
ASimonis's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Robust constant-recording software

We have a screening set up to record from singing male songbirds and need a way to continuously record their cages 24/7 but only save files when sound is detected (we have a post-processing step that ...
Arnold's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to change date/time created on Zoom H4N metadata

I've been using a Zoom H4N to record bird vocalisations paired with a dictation microphone for behaviour observations. When I'm trying to sync up my data, the dictation mic .mp3 file has the correct ...
Katrina W's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Recommendations for external microphone for smartphone for casual recordings (birds, frogs, bats if possible?)

I would like to get a better microphone for my smartphone for recording wildlife around my home and when out camping. This question asked about very inexpensive accessories, but in this case, I am ...
selene's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Pros and cons directional mic vs parabola

While searching through the bird song literature, I realized there are two schools for recording songs. Some people use a directional microphone and some people use a parabola. I was wondering why to ...
lframond's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

How to determine an appropriate duty cycle for a dataset?

Acoustic monitoring is limited by available power and memory storage, but duty cycling recordings can extend the time period that is monitored. I understand that choosing an apporpriate duty cycle ...
ASimonis's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Differences in length of time Audiomoths record with same batteries/SD cards/settings?

I deployed 26 Audiomoths in my last field season and am just starting to organize the data. I've noticed that there seems to be a LOT of variation in the amount of time each device recorded - the ...
Carly Batist's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Does anyone regularly use FLAC compression for their acoustic data?

We have a large (>500TB) acoustic dataset that so far has remained uncompressed. I am considering going back and FLAC compressing all of our data in order to make data transfers and archive easier ...
AnnAllen's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

What are the ethics of sound recording?

What are the ethics around the recording of "wildlife" sounds? What about in situations where anthropogenic noise may also be recorded? What overlap (if any) do these concerns have with ...
Flip's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

How, if at all, are you compressing your recordings? [closed]

There are a whole lot of different file-compression methods out there: MP3, FLAC, OGG, AIFF, etc and each of these can have their own variations in parameters. I'm interested in: What file format you ...
dtsavage's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to measure sperm whale's IPI?

It's pretty easy to find the definition of a sperm whale's IPI (interpulse interval) and the methods that can be used to do it. Papers usually show some spectrograms with different pulses (Møhl et al.,...
Cristina Marcolin's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Replacements for Sound Analysis Pro 2011 given Compatibility Issues

We are working a lot with audio recordings from songbirds in our lab. For the past decade, everybody was using a custom software called Sound Analysis Pro 2011 (SAP2011) for a plethora of tasks. The ...
fabian's user avatar
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16 votes
8 answers

How to start exploring possibilities of using smartphones as recording devices?

I am thinking about starting to explore use of smartphones (Android, iOS) for in-field sound recording for amateur citizen-science. I was not able to find technical information about existing projects....
pabouk - Ukraine stay strong's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Measurements to know if my field-recordings are good?

Fieldwork means having all the equipment in place to record the animals (in my case bats) when I see them. I try to look at the audio as soon as they're recorded to check if the settings are okay. I ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Which small audio recording devices are appropriate for terrestrial biologging tags?

I am interested to know which small (<3 x 2 cm board size) audio recording devices people have been using for on-animal acoustic tags (terrestrial) and what have been everyone’s experiences with ...
Ari Strandburg-Peshkin's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

I have electronic noise in my bird call recordings. How do I account for this noise while performing measurements?

My recordings of bird calls have multi-harmonic noise (probably generated by some electronic device e.g. as mentioned here). I would like to perform peak-frequency and other such spectral measurements....
Thejasvi's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

What are the main differences in recording solid-borne, water-borne and air-borne sounds?

Bioacoustics is the study of how animals communicates with any acoustic waves. Strickly speaking, it involves any substrates where the acoustic waves propagate: liquids (water), gas (air) and solids (...
Noil's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Are consumer grade USB audio interfaces 'safe' to use for bioacoustics recordings?

I've been seeing many relatively affordable USB audio interfaces (even multichannel ones, in fact) with >= 96 kHz sampling rates. These seem like a cost-effective alternative to some of the more ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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3 answers

how do I get rid of multi-harmonic lines in my recordings?

I'm using a DC-AC converter to run my audio-interface in the field. Everytime I use the converter to make recordings i see strong multi-harmonic 'lines' in my spectrogram. In the lab (when connected ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

software to trigger and run recordings with USB soundcards

I'm looking to trigger recordings as bats pass by my mic array.l, and also to potentially run playbacks too through the soundcard (it has both ADC and DAC capabilities). I have an ASIO based USB ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What are the tools available for freshwater acoustic monitoring?

Recording in freshwater is getting more popular and people usually use a handheld recorder and hydrophone for focal recordings. How about passive acoustic monitoring? There used to be a possibility to ...
Cam Desjonqu's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Calibrate an AudioMoth automated sound recorder

Has anyone shared their calibration of an AudioMoth automated sound recorder that has become popular as an inexpensive passive monitoring device with open-source firmware? The manual specifications of ...
Chiricahua herpetologist's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Does the file format of audio recordings (e.g. .wav vs .mp3) matter if you are performing acoustic analyses on them?

I am building a website that hosts acoustic recordings from marine animals (currently just fish - example here). On the website itself the files are best stored in MP3 format, as most internet ...
Sarah Vela's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Will be recording vocalisation of an understudied species, with 192 kHz is my sampling rate high enough?

I will be performing echolocation call recordings of an understudied bat species that roosts in caves. Many studies use very high sampling rates (>=384 kHz), but I currently only have a sound card ...
Thejasvi's user avatar
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