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Unanswered Questions

28 questions with no answers
7 votes
0 answers

Error using split_acoustic_data() in R package ohun

INITIAL POST: One of my first times here. I am trying to use a function called split_acoustic_data() in ohun, an R package for processing bioacoustic data. The process involves use of a class of ...
6 votes
0 answers

Ecoacoustics: Market Size and Major Private Players

Is there any literature or market report that summarizes the business opportunity for ecoacoustics as a field. Who are the major private tech companies who have solutions in this domain and what is ...
6 votes
0 answers

How do animals adapt to a partially or fully deaf individual of their group?

In eusocial animals for which hearing is important to communicate between individuals, is there any species apart humans for which there are some evidence that the group adapts their acoustic ...
5 votes
0 answers

how to describe temporal patterns of anthropogenic noise pollution - ama(), Ht(), and ...?

I'm looking into the effects of anthropogenic noise pollution from various sources on birds' behaviors. Human-induced sounds have different temporal patterns - broadly, from continuous to sparse in ...
5 votes
0 answers

How to apply calibration infromation to Triton generated LTSAs

Is it possible to apply single end-to-end calibration values or a transfer function to LTSA plots generated in Triton? The User Guide says that transfer functions are not applied to LTSAs but that a ...
5 votes
0 answers

Question on true positives calculated in R package ohun

I am wondering if anyone has had success using the package ohun for energy-based detection and successful evaluation of their detection routines. I have used the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Setting Triton to Make LTSAs for Channel 1

How to set Triton to only work with channel 1 of my files? I know a solution would be to split my files, but every time I try, Sox tells me the channels are unreadable and when I load the files into ...
4 votes
0 answers

Does anyone have experience with programming an Fpod to turn on when upside-down-vertical?

The Fpod works well when programmed to turn on at any angle. But when it was programmed with the default settings, it: Was detecting test taps while in the horizontal mode, when it should have been ...
4 votes
0 answers

Using Kaleidoscope Pro for delphinid whistle detection- how to improve detection rates?

We have 6+ years of continuous underwater recordings, in which we are currently trying to quantify whistle counts/activity. I have been trying to use Kaleidoscope Pro for whistle detection with signal ...
3 votes
0 answers

What is the origin of this underwater low-frequency upsweep signal?

I've been trying to identify underwater sounds recorded in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, at a 500 Hz sampling rate. I observed this low-frequency upsweep that was only produced once, but it shows ...
3 votes
0 answers

Elephant ground-borne communication: which is the most important production method?

Elephants are documented to use ground-based (solid-based) communication. A lot of research seems to focus on how these sounds can be perceived. But what is the most important method for them to ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to set frequency limits when using acoustic_complexity_index() from scikit-maad?

I have previously used R and the functions ACI() from seewave and acoustic_complexity() from soundecology to calculate the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI). However, I am transitioning to using Python ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to get the distance to a sound source using a 2 channel hydrophone array (bearing)?

I am going to use a 2 channel hydrophone array during some boat surveys. I will be collecting GPS data as well and I heard that with the bearing and the change in location pamguard can estimate the ...
3 votes
0 answers

When I load multiple audio files and multiple sets of BirdNET generated selection tables into RavenPro they don't line up. How do i line them up?

When I load multiple audio files and multiple sets of associated BirdNET generated selection tables into RavenPro, they don't line up with each other. Only the first or last audio file and set of ...
3 votes
0 answers

Spectra Plus wav files not correct duration

I'm not sure if this is an issue with SpectraPlus or something else, but I heard others had similar problems with different software. I record with two hydrophones with a soundcard + monitoring it ...

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