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Unanswered Questions

33 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
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When I load multiple audio files and multiple sets of BirdNET generated selection tables into RavenPro they don't line up. How do i line them up?

When I load multiple audio files and multiple sets of associated BirdNET generated selection tables into RavenPro, they don't line up with each other. Only the first or last audio file and set of ...
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0 answers

Spectra Plus wav files not correct duration

I'm not sure if this is an issue with SpectraPlus or something else, but I heard others had similar problems with different software. I record with two hydrophones with a soundcard + monitoring it ...
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2 answers

Max click length, pre and post samples

When using the Click Detector in Pamguard, I know that the min click length should show the minimum samples so that the Click detector would be able to keep a single click detected on multiple nearby ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why is my Soundtrap ST600 skipping cycles?

I am bench testing. I am using Host version 4.0.20, and I'm running a programmed start. The ST600 is open, so I can watch when the lights come on to indicate it is recording. I'm getting a flaky ...
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0 answers

Unknown underwater acoustic sound source

I often have to deal with spectrograms similar to the one below, I have some ideas as to what the different signatures might come from but I still have some doubts. Do you have any idea as to what ...
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0 answers

SoundGen Spectrogram gridlines

I'm making some spectrograms using the R SoundGen package but am getting a lot of extra grid lines on the image and can't seem to find a way to make them disappear. ...
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1 answer

What frequency range does PAMGuard's click detector measure background noise?

I have been reading through the PAMGuard help files and was wondering over what frequency range does PAMGuard measure the background noise level in order to trigger a click detection? Does the measure ...
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0 answers

PAMguard Database-PAMbinary data organisation

I have been proccessing data in PAMguard with the Whistle & Moan Detector and the Noiseband Monitor, and I have two templates depending on the 2 STs sensitivity (only 1 PAM sation). I decided not ...
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0 answers

How to get rid of duplicated frequency values in Raven Pro?

I use Raven Pro for my sound analysis, and I wanted to measure the peak frequency of the syllables that I selected. You probably know that, the measurements are automatic, I select the measurements ...
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0 answers

Marantz PMD660 stuck on loading

My trusted Marantz PMD660 Solid state recorder recently developed a fault during a field trip in which it gets stuck on "Loading" when turned on with a CF Card inside. It starts fine without ...
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0 answers

scikit maad ACI

I noticed, regarding the ACI calculation in skicit maad , that it usually ranges between 300-500 while in other publications (with seewave or soundecology calculations) it ranges around to 1800. Is ...
1 vote
0 answers

ADI and Hf results explanation

I have calculated spectral entropy Hf and ADI as well as BI, NDSI, AEI, ACI for one minute acoustic recordings for ~ two weeks (one week in March and one in April) with the default settings of scikit-...
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0 answers

Finding Species-specific Parameters for RIBBIT (opensoundscape)

I am trying to find waterfrog (Pelophylax) calls in my audiofiles. While using RIBBIT I need the following parameters: signal band noise band pulse rate range (min/max) number of samples per ...
1 vote
0 answers

Directional sounds device to be attached to legs of chickens and humans to communicate with them and attempt achieving better symbiosis

It is hard to communicate with a chicken. One form of communication could be making a sound to get the chicken to walk in a specific direction. In each direction, objects could be placed to interact ...
1 vote
0 answers

Bioacoustics STEM Education Survey

I am a masters student in CWU's Primate Behavior & Ecology program. I am interested in Bioacoustics and STEM education. I've noticed there can be quite a learning curve for undergraduates who are ...

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