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WMXZ's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

What is the target strength of a fishing net?

3 votes

Filtering audio for multichannel time-difference-of-arrival localisation

3 votes

What are linear decibels (dBL) and how do they compare to standard dB SPL?

3 votes

What soundscape visualizations are useful for assessing biodiversity over long time periods (>1 year)

3 votes

how far does the analogy between echolocation and vision go?

3 votes

Does anyone know of a compact, stereo underwater recorder (other than ST440/640)?

3 votes

How and why do we rescale the input and/or output of an FFT for bioacoustics research?

3 votes

What is the order of magnitude of water-wave pressure as compared to that of a typical animal communication sound?

3 votes

Should the sample rate be incorporated when calculating sound exposure levels?

3 votes

How to evaluate changing sensitivity of a recorder over time?

3 votes

How to connect an electronic sensor component to an audio interface?

3 votes

How best to attach piezzo sensors to a leaf to measure insect vibratory signal?

3 votes

Are "acoustic waves" the same as "mechanical waves"?

3 votes

Very slow creation of LTSAs from 10-min wav files using Triton

3 votes

What Autonomous Recording Units (ARU) allow on-board compression?

3 votes

How applicable are kurtosis-corrections for noise impact assessments across marine mammal functional hearing groups?

3 votes

Is it common to have a negative-positive dB range in underwater spectrograms?

3 votes

What are these underwater, high frequency (20-45 kHz), upsweep signals?

3 votes

Trouble reading ST600 data

3 votes

Could conspecific playback stimuli improve detection rate and population estimates in acoustic monitoring?

3 votes

NPL's Good Pratice Guide discourages the use of any compression in recorded data to avoid information degradation - does this make sense?

2 votes

ST600 Rechargable batteries problems

2 votes

Can I use MEMS microphones to record underwater sounds?

2 votes

Is there a sample rate of audio files required for working with PAMGuard?

2 votes

Setting different channels gains on stereo ARU to maximize detections

2 votes

Normal Mode Prop Kraken/Actup ORCA

2 votes

Why aren't any cutoff frequencies accepted for my IIR Chebyshev filter in PAMGuard?

2 votes

Standardising spectrogram amplitude

2 votes

High Frequency broadband sound at night in a recording - can I rule out biophonic sources?

2 votes

How to calculate 10 dB duration in R

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